Signaling Pathways

Adherens Junction
Official name of gene NCBI No Line No Short name of strain Save state Sales Status
Casp-8 12370
T006016 C57BL/6JGpt-Casp8em2Cd12034/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056410 Casp8-3*flag-HA Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T005785 C57BL/6JGpt-Casp8em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR4 21898
T006735 B6/JGpt-Tlr4em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007618 BALB/cJGpt-Tlr4em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059640 B6/JGpt-Tlr4em1Cin(E748Q)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T007617 BALB/cJNju-Tlr4em1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T051714 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em26Cd1829/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006665 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057225 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em22Cd1854/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR4 21898
T006735 B6/JGpt-Tlr4em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007618 BALB/cJGpt-Tlr4em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059640 B6/JGpt-Tlr4em1Cin(E748Q)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T007617 BALB/cJNju-Tlr4em1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T051714 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em26Cd1829/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006665 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057225 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr4em22Cd1854/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR2 24088
T006733 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr2em1Cd4034in1/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052097 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006663 B6/JGpt-Tlr2em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
TLR1 21897
T006732 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006662 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR2 24088
T006733 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr2em1Cd4034in1/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052097 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006663 B6/JGpt-Tlr2em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
TLR6 21899
T006736 B6/JGpt-Tlr6em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T006666 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr6em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011150 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr6em8Cd4535/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057992 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr6em1Cd4573/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR5 53791
T014845 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em12Cd11876/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014813 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057848 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em8Cd11879/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR5 53791
T014845 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em12Cd11876/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014813 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057848 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr5em8Cd11879/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR11 239081
T009794 B6/JNju-Tlr11em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T013784 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em5Cd8045/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012889 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058969 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em2Cd8050/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TLR11 239081
T009794 B6/JNju-Tlr11em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T013784 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em5Cd8045/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012889 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058969 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr11em2Cd8050/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRAK-2 108960
T063872 B6/JGpt-Irak2em1Cd604/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T028292 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak2em3Cd23848/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018931 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050809 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak2em5Cd23846/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRAK-1 16179
T009557 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012676 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak1em1Cd5343/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IRAK-M 73914
T011123 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059272 B6/JGpt-Irak3em1Cin(c.1082-1083 delAG)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T059271 B6/JGpt-Irak3em1Cin(p.V147L)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T012760 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak3em1Cd3909/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IRAK-4 266632
T028488 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak4em6Cd12893in15/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T019127 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T053045 C57BL/6JGpt-Irak4em6Cd12874/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TAK1 22026
T014381 C57BL/6JGpt-Nr2c2em6Cd4793/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013631 C57BL/6JGpt-Nr2c2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T038150 C57BL/6JGpt-Nr2c2em3Cd4784/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
MKK3/6 26397,26399
T028012 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k6em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027492 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k3em17Cd3171/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018651 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k6em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018131 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T054022 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k3em15Cd3170/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
MEKK-1 26395
T064763 B6/JGpt-Map2k1em1Cin(LSL-S218E&S222E)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T015604 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k1em24Cd1385in45/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015182 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
p38 MAPK 26416
T005479 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005583 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk14em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T036923 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(D176A-F327S-His-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T036922 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(His-T180A-Y182F-3*flag-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T036921 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(His-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T063718 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk14em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
MKK 4/7
JNK 26419
T005994 B6/JGpt-Mapk8em5Cd3645in6/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005762 B6/JGpt-Mapk8em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052441 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk8em5Cd3645in6/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T051937 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk8em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IKKε 56489
T014074 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkeem1Cd1463/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013192 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkeem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TBK1 56480
T009713 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T036840 B6/JGpt-Tbk1em1Cin(S511E)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T011597 B6/JGpt-Tbk1em23Cd34521/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T049583 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbk1em23Cd34531/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IKKα 12675
T027815 C57BL/6JGpt-Chukem2Cd4479/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018454 C57BL/6JGpt-Chukem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T055946 C57BL/6JGpt-Chukem3Cd4252d221/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRF-7 54123
T011892 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em83Cd3982/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T010975 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058573 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em15Cd3975/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T058272 T003822 Lyz2-iCre配T010975 Irf7 Cas9-CKO Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRF-7 54123
T011892 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em83Cd3982/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T010975 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058573 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf7em15Cd3975/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T058272 T003822 Lyz2-iCre配T010975 Irf7 Cas9-CKO Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRF-3 54131
T067436 Irf3-p.K188R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T012957 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013849 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em13Cd1905/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056945 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em13Cd1840/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
IRF-3 54131
T067436 Irf3-p.K188R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T012957 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013849 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em13Cd1905/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056945 C57BL/6JGpt-Irf3em13Cd1840/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
p65/RelA NF-κBIRF 19697
T005771 B6/JGpt-Relaem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T051945 C57BL/6JGpt-Relaem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006003 C57BL/6JGpt-Relaem8Cd1272/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T054410 C57BL/6JGpt-Relaem7Cd1273/Gpt IS(自主品系)
TLR7 170743
T058151 C57BL/6NGpt-Tlr7em1Cin(Y264H)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T006737 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr7em15Cd9312in1/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052098 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr7em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006667 B6/JGpt-Tlr7em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T037971 B6/JGpt-Tlr7em1Cin(Y1025D)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
TLR8 170744
T006738 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr8em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T054108 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr8em6Cd10971/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006668 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr8em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR9 81897
T066288 H11-CAG-LSL-mTlr9-HA tag-WPRE-PolyA Cas9-KI(H11) TS(技术服务)
T006739 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr9em5Cd4536/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006669 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr9em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR9 81897
T066288 H11-CAG-LSL-mTlr9-HA tag-WPRE-PolyA Cas9-KI(H11) TS(技术服务)
T006739 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr9em5Cd4536/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006669 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr9em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR3 142980
T065078 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T065077 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T065076 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T006734 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr3em3Cd8991/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006664 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TLR3 142980
T065078 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T065077 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T065076 Tlr3-p.K813R Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T006734 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr3em3Cd8991/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006664 C57BL/6JGpt-Tlr3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
CD14 12475
T057918 C57BL/6JGpt-Cd14em1Cin(hFCAR-CD89)IGHA1em1Cin(hIGHA1)/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T017080 C57BL/6JGpt-Cd14em8Cd10334/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T016284 C57BL/6JGpt-Cd14em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MD-2 17087
T011968 C57BL/6JGpt-Ly96em6Cd16004/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011051 C57BL/6JGpt-Ly96em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T053581 C57BL/6JGpt-Ly96em21Cd15993/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
TRAM 225471
T009200 C57BL/6JGpt-Ticam2em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T012539 C57BL/6JGpt-Ticam2em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
TRIF 106759
T016412 C57BL/6JGpt-Ticam1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T017208 C57BL/6JGpt-Ticam1em2Cd6411/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
SOCS1 12703
T014170 C57BL/6JGpt-Socs1em2Cd5354/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013288 C57BL/6JGpt-Socs1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
ST2L 17082
T005741 C57BL/6JGpt-Il1rl1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T055284 C57BL/6JGpt-Il1rl1em1Cin(EGFP)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T063909 Il1rl1-silencer Cas9-KO TS(技术服务)
T017780 B6/JGpt-Il1rl1-sST2em1Cd/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T005974 C57BL/6JGpt-Il1rl1em6Cd1325/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050811 C57BL/6JGpt-Il1rl1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TIRAP 117149
T010962 B6/JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T011879 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem3Cd5982/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050522 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem8Cd5993/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T063706 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
RIP1 19766
T067169 Ripk1-HaloTag7(Ripk1-FKBP(F36V)背景打靶) TS(技术服务)
T065570 Ripk1-p.R606K Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T067427 Ripk1-B3 Cas9-KI TS(技术服务)
T065578 Ripk1-p.W357A&F358A Cas9-PM TS(技术服务)
T065338 Ripk1-FKBP(F36V) Cas9-KI TS(技术服务)
T064573 Ripk1-linker-mCerulean Cas9-KI TS(技术服务)
T056660 Ripk1 Y309A Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T037001 BALB/cJGpt- Ripk1em1Cin(K45A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T005427 C57BL/6JGpt-Ripk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
B005616 B6/JGpt-Ripk1em1Cflox/Gpt BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T053153 C57BL/6JGpt-Ripk1em1Cin(C257S&C268S)/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T005533 C57BL/6JGpt-Ripk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
TRAF3 22031
T017323 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf3em8Cd5867/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T016527 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IκBα 18035
T017871 C57BL/6JGpt-Nfkbiaem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T017852 C57BL/6JGpt-Nfkbiaem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
RIG-I 230073
T068878 T009005 Ddx58-flox配T052789 Lyz2-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T009005 C57BL/6JGpt-Ddx58em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011398 B6/JGpt-Ddx58em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T003251 C57BL/6JGpt-Ddx58em1Cin78d15755/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T055407 B6/JGpt-Ddx58em1Cin(E374A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T054666 B6/JGpt-Stat1em1Cin(R274W)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T054567 B6/JGpt-Ddx58em1Cin(p.R109C)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T036927 B6/JGpt-Ddx58em1Cin(M51-756-762-924A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T003656 C57BL/6JGpt-Ddx58em2Cd15978/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MAVS 228607
T011413 C57BL/6JGpt-Mavsem3Cd4578/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009246 C57BL/6JGpt-Mavsem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037064 C57BL/6JGpt-Mavsem3Cd4589/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
ub 21829
TIRAP 117149
T010962 B6/JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T011879 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem3Cd5982/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050522 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem8Cd5993/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T063706 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TIRAP 117149
T010962 B6/JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T011879 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem3Cd5982/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050522 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem8Cd5993/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T063706 C57BL/6JGpt-Tirapem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MyD88 17874
T003613 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cd664/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009598 C57BL/6JGpt-Myd88em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TOLLIP 54473
T012006 C57BL/6JGpt-Tollipem8Cd5430in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011089 C57BL/6JGpt-Tollipem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037606 C57BL/6JGpt-Tollipem12Cd5430/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
A20 21929
T005203 C57BL/6JGpt-Tnfaip3em4Cd931/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T005084 C57BL/6JGpt-Tnfaip3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Ubc13 93765
T005253 C57BL/6JGpt-Ube2nem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T005136 C57BL/6JGpt-Ube2nem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
ECSIT 26940
T028291 C57BL/6JGpt-Ecsitem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T018930 C57BL/6JGpt-Ecsitem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
TRAF6 22034
T008226 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf6em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058825 B6/JGpt-Traf6em1Cin(p.K477Q)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T012328 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf6em11Cd3919/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T055143 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf6em1Cin(C70A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T057949 C57BL/6JGpt-Traf6em8Cd3922in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
FADD 14082
T065445 C57BL/6JGpt-Faddem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T008888 C57BL/6JGpt-Faddem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T011360 C57BL/6JGpt-Faddem1Cd5850/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
IKKγ/ NEMO 16151
T016471 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkgem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T017267 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkgem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
TAB1/2 66513,68652
T011954 C57BL/6JGpt-Tab1em26Cd3309/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011037 C57BL/6JGpt-Tab1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011036 C57BL/6JGpt-Tab2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011953 C57BL/6JGpt-Tab2em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T056102 C57BL/6JGpt-Tab1em28Cd3309in2/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)