Signaling Pathways

Adherens Junction
Official name of gene NCBI No Line No Short name of strain Save state Sales Status
IRS-1 16367
T068652 Irs1 p.S680A TS(技术服务)
T011033 C57BL/6JGpt-Irs1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011950 C57BL/6JGpt-Irs1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
PI3K 18708
T007507 B6/JGpt-Pik3r1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007279 B6/JGpt-Pik3r1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T052574 C57BL/6JGpt-Pik3r1em9Cd32942/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052220 C57BL/6JGpt-Pik3r1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
LKB1 20869
T007821 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T004657 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em39Cd4020/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T004655 B6/JNju-Lkb1em1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T014441 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em18Cd4873/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050570 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em6Cd4881in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
PDK1 228026
T012513 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009173 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PTEN 19211
T068991 T004656 Pten-KO 配 T064344 B6-HLA0201 Live Mouse IS(自主品系)
T052148 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011155 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T009092 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem60Cd1347/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007174 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T063904 Pten Cas9-CKO TS(技术服务)
T050692 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cin(W274L)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T037073 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cin(C124S)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T004654 B6/JNju-Ptenem1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T004656 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem66Cd1367in7/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Wnt 11789
T001457 C57BL/6JGpt-Apcem1Cin(Min)/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065816 T065815 B6-KP杂合Apc-flox 杂合配T004829纯合 IS(自主品系)
T008394 C57BL/6JGpt-APCem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T059535 C57BL/6JGpt-Apcem34Cd11580/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059534 C57BL/6JGpt-Apcem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065815 T015831 B6-KP配T059534 Apc-flox IS(自主品系)
T012443 C57BL/6JGpt-APCem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
LRP 78388
T011494 C57BL/6JGpt-Mvpem4Cd1283/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T009597 C57BL/6JGpt-Mvpem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037385 C57BL/6JGpt-Mvpem22Cd1296in19/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
Gα q/o
Dvl 13542
T007214 C57BL/6JGpt-Dvl1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007450 C57BL/6JGpt-Dvl1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
AMPK 105787
T067504 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059339 C57BL/6JGpt-Chr1YP1Prkaa1em2Cd5160in7/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T067503 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cflox/Gpt IF (Available for Distribution)
T007422 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cd5589in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007182 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T003527 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em2Cd14/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T003036 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cin1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T059606 C57BL/6JGpt-H11em1Cin(Syn1-iCre)Prkaa1em1CfloxRosa26tm1(CAG-LSL-Cas9-tdTomato)/Gpt IS(自主品系)
Akt 11651
T007509 B6/JGpt-Akt1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007281 B6/JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052575 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T000052 B6;129-Akt1tm1/Nju TS(技术服务)
T066231 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T052221 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
GSK-3 56637
T004150 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem8Cd1199/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T052186 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011162 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem2Cd1239/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Erk 13844
T009263 C57BL/6JGpt-Ephb2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T066420 C57BL/6JGpt-Ephb2em1Cin(lsl-p.C636S&p.C862S)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T006928 BALB/c-Ephb2em1Cd/ Nju TS(技术服务)
T011429 C57BL/6JGpt-Ephb2em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
p38 MAPK 26416,26413
T005996 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005764 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005479 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005583 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk14em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T036923 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(D176A-F327S-His-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T036922 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(His-T180A-Y182F-3*flag-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T036921 B6/JGpt-Mapk14em1Cin(His-IRES-EGFP)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T051939 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T063718 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk14em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T052442 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
GAP/GEF 14609,16800
T008803 C57BL/6JGpt-Gja1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014665 C57BL/6JGpt-Gja1em20Cd4938/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T004774 C57BL/6JGpt-Gja1em7Cd4940/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T004773 B6/JNju-Gja1em1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T011316 C57BL/6JGpt-Gja1em1Cd4786/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015461 C57BL/6JGpt-Arhgef2em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T015038 C57BL/6JGpt-Arhgef2em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T066158 T008803 Gja1-flox/T004830 H11-Dmp1-iCre IS(自主品系)
T037436 C57BL/6JGpt-Gja1em35Cd5885/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
PRAS40 67605
T015470 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1s1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015047 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1s1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TSC1 64930
T052243 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007534 B6/JGpt-Tsc1em19Cd3244/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007308 B6/JGpt-Tsc1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052856 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em19Cd3244/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T051134 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cin(c.2500-2503 delAACA)/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T060360 T052243 Tsc1-flox配T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T049885 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
p90RSK 20111
T007291 B6/JGpt-Rps6ka1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052228 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6ka1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007518 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6ka1em9Cd1294/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065672 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6ka1em10Cd1291/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T054392 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6ka1em10Cd1291/Gpt IS(自主品系)
RagA/B 68441
T033433 C57BL/6JGpt-Rragaem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T024073 C57BL/6JGpt-Rragaem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065731 T024073.Rraga-flox/T004714.Vil-iCre KI IS(自主品系)
T065730 T024073.Rraga-flox/T059685.Xcr1-P2A-iCre KI IS(自主品系)
T065729 T024073.Rraga-flox/T004819.H11-Itgax-iCre KI IS(自主品系)
T055657 C57BL/6JGpt-Rragaem6Cd8514/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
RagC/D 54170
T033435 C57BL/6JGpt-Rragcem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T024075 C57BL/6JGpt-Rragcem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
GRB10 14783
T015125 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb10em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015548 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb10em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
4E-BP1 13685
T052151 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007419 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007178 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052532 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd22968/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056135 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em3Cd22972/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
eIF4E 13684
T018769 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T028130 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
S6 72508
T007519 B6/JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007292 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T006196 B6/JNju-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T052229 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052581 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
PDCD4 18569
T015191 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdcd4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015613 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdcd4em1Cd3913/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
4E-BP1 13685
T052151 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007419 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007178 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052532 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd22968/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056135 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em3Cd22972/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
p70 S6K 72508
T007519 B6/JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007292 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T006196 B6/JNju-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T052229 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052581 C57BL/6JGpt-Rps6kb1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
FKBP12 14225
T018312 C57BL/6JGpt-Fkbp1aem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027673 C57BL/6JGpt-Fkbp1aem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
eIF4H 22384
T030214 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4hem2Cd6263/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T020853 B6/JGpt-Eif4hem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T062978 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4hem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
eIF4B 75705
T028192 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4bem1Cd10585/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018831 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4bem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
eIF4E 13684
T018769 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T028130 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
eIF4G 13690
T008923 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4g2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T011377 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4g2em11Cd8667/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MNK 11977
T022637 C57BL/6JGpt-Atp7aem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065368 C57BL/6JGpt-Atp7aem1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T031997 C57BL/6JGpt-Atp7aem1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
PABP 18458
T069146 B6/JGpt-H11em1Cin(CAG-mPabpc1-P2A-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T028252 C57BL/6JGpt-Pabpc1em13Cd3496/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018891 C57BL/6JGpt-Pabpc1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PABP 18458
T069146 B6/JGpt-H11em1Cin(CAG-mPabpc1-P2A-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T028252 C57BL/6JGpt-Pabpc1em13Cd3496/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018891 C57BL/6JGpt-Pabpc1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PAIP1 218693
T044764 C57BL/6JGpt-Paip1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T039108 C57BL/6JGpt-Paip1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
PAIP2 67869
T034523 C57BL/6JGpt-Paip2em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T025163 C57BL/6JGpt-Paip2em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
GβL 56716
T027682 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em4Cd5726/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018321 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
mTOR 56717
T007950 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014455 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T049888 B6/JGpt-Mtorem1Cin(K2066R)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
DEPTOR 97998
T029472 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T020111 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Raptor 74370
T015540 C57BL/6JGpt-Rptorem8Cd1460/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015117 C57BL/6JGpt-Rptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Sin1 227743
T012069 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapkap1em2Cd2223/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007861 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapkap1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Rictor 78757
T014196 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem8Cd4746/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013315 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050328 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem9Cd4750/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
mTOR 56717
T007950 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014455 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T049888 B6/JGpt-Mtorem1Cin(K2066R)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
PRR5 109270
T025743 B6/JGpt-Prr5em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T062282 C57BL/6JGpt-Prr5em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T061680 C57BL/6JGpt-Prr5em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T035103 B6/JGpt-Prr5em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
GβL 56716
T027682 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em4Cd5726/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018321 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
DEPTOR 97998
T029472 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T020111 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)