대사성 질환에서의 유효성 평가
젬파마텍은 당화혈색소(HbA1c) 검사, 포도당 및 인슐린 부하 검사, 대사분석용 케이지 시험, 혈액화학분석 등 다양한 대사 효능 시험을 수행합니다. 우리는 비만, 당뇨병, 대사 장애 관련 지방간 질환, 고지혈증 등 여러 대사성 질환의 마우스 모델을 개발하였을 뿐 아니라, 약물 유도나 급식 조절을 통해 사람의 질병을 시뮬레이션하는 마우스 모델도 개발하였습니다. 이들 모델을 활용하여 관련 질환의 병태생리에 관한 연구, 약물 스크리닝, 유효성 평가를 수행합니다.
Obesity Models and Efficacy Services
Obesity refers to a type of metabolic disorder impacted by factors such as diet, environment, and heredity. In addition to weight gain, obesity is strongly correlated with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular events. GemPharmatech has developed a series of obese mouse models, including diet-induced obesity models and spontaneous obesity models caused by genetic mutations, to investigate the mechanism of obesity and evaluate the related therapeutic drugs, helping to provide drug efficacy evaluation services based on these models.
Type II Diabetes Models and Efficacy Service
Diabetes mellitus is a common disease caused by genetic, environmental, and immunological factors resulting in islet hypofunction and insulin resistance, and revealing complex metabolic disorders involving sugar, protein, fat, water, and electrolytes. More than 90% of patients with diabetes have type II diabetes(T2D). GemPharmatech has generated the matching diabetes mellitus models using gene-editing technology and a diet-induced modeling approach for researching type II diabetes mellitus pathogenesis as well as evaluating therapeutic medication screening.
Liver Disease Models and Efficacy Services
The liver is an essential hub for material and energy metabolic processes. The impact of alcohol, drugs, and toxic chemicals usually produces acute or chronic liver injury, which can progress to liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer if not appropriately managed. Consequently, experimental animal models of liver disease are essential for investigating the pathophysiology of liver disease and screening therapeutic medicines.GemPharmatech offers liver fibrosis models, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis models, and related-efficacy evaluation services.
Atherosclerosis Models and Efficacy Services
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease caused by the deposition of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other chemicals in the endothelium of arteries, resulting in the loss of arterial elasticity due to vessel thickening and sclerosis. Once thick plaque substantially blocks the arteries, it can significantly limit blood flow to the vessels serving the tissues, resulting in severe tissue damage. GemPharmatech has developed ApoE knockout models and Ldlr knockout models that can be used to study atherosclerosis and efficacy evaluation services for the related drugs.
Hyperlipidemia Models and Efficacy Services
Due to improvements in standard of living and the evolution of average dietary structures, the occurrence of hyperlipidemia (HLP) is increasing. HLP poses a grave threat to human health because it can lead to the development of metabolic disorders in the body, which in turn cause cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction. The prevention of hyperlipidemia and the development of related therapeutic medications are of incredible significance.
Gout/Hyperuricemia Models and Efficacy Services
Hyperuricemia is a common purine metabolic disorder caused by excessive synthesis or decreased excretion of uric acid as a result of abnormalities in the purine metabolic pathway. A significant risk factor for the development of gout, Hyperuricemia also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic renal failure. GemPharmatech has developed gout and hyperuricemia models via gene editing and drug induction, and can also provide model-based therapeutic efficacy evaluation services. By injecting uric acid into the local tissues or joints of mice, we have additionally successfully reproduced the symptoms of acute gout in humans.